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April 6, 2019

#27 The New Abortion laws.

There have been a few laws lately being passed in state legislatures that abortion is now a hot topic once again.  Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, New York just to name a few are either banning more procedures or allowing more procedures.  And the internet is going wild with stupidity.

It all comes down to human life.  We know that.  The question is, "when does life begin?".  One side says it is at conception.  One side says it's not until the baby is outside the mother's womb.  And another side says it is somewhere in between.  The answer is it is at conception.

Why is it not when the baby is finally outside the womb?  In no particular order:

A baby can survive outside the womb at 6 months.  So the last 3 months there is a fully functional life form.  Yes, it will need help to survive, but so does a 3 year old.  Here is an extreme but it is valid.  A baby that is being delivered is a few seconds from being "expelled" from the womb but is still connected by an umbilical cord.  How is one second the difference?  What if the woman accidentally pushed at the last second while the baby is being aborted and the child comes out...is it still abortion or murder?

Why is it not just before 24 weeks?  One argument I have seen in the last few months is ridiculous. One person said it's not a baby until 24 weeks, or 6 months.  He was claiming it was the same as a tumor before this point since it is "living".  Why is that wrong?  Again, in no particular order:

A tumor is an abnormal growth that hurts the body of the host.  The tumor cannot develop into something that can think, feel, and love.  The baby even before this magical 24 week period is destined given no tragedy to develop into a fully grown adult.  The tumor has no destiny.  The tumor left alone will in most cases kill the host and die with the host.  The baby left alone will continue to grow and push its way out and then continue to develop into an adult.  The person claimed tumors are life so it's the same as human life.  He also claimed there is a difference between human life and personhood.  That is a weak excuse.  Tumors are living cells but not human life.  Human life means there is soul.  A soul means feelings, thoughts, emotions and so forth are apparent.  Tumors will never develop into that.  Personhood I understand what they are saying is when rights are given to the human.  But what makes them human then?  This person claimed that human life is no more important than any other life.  That is not accurate.

Plants are monochotomous.  They only adapt and react to the environment.  They share no feelings.  They don't raise children.  They don't fall in love.  Animals are dichotomous.  They have feelings.  They show personality.  But they show no conviction.  They only have fight or flight response.  They make be able to think but they cannot reason the way we reason.  Humans are trichotomous.  We not only adapt.  We not only have personality.  We have more than just other life forms.  We have purpose.  We understand.  This is why we can eat plants with no problem.  This is why we feel we can eat certain animals.  But we do not eat humans.  So for this person to say that human life is no more important than other life must be ok with eating people.

Ok.  So that brings in law.  Roe v Wade made abortion legal.  Yes it is law and we have to respect that.  But keep in mind, the law allowed slavery at one point.  The law said African-Americans (slaves) counted as 3/5 of a person.  Just because it is law does not mean it is correct.  It only means how things are interpreted for the times.  However, it doesn't matter what laws are out there.  Laws will not stop abortion nor curb it.  The culture feels the need for it because of who we are.  Our promiscuity calls for abortion because many want to do the deed but not take responsibility for their actions.  And yes, both women and men need to take that responsibility.

Then the person talked about morality and claimed morality is subjective. 

That is both accurate and inaccurate.  It is accurate because people think they know better than other people so their ideas are superior.  It is in accurate because if we all have different morality systems and cannot agree on anything then the human race will die out.  It will be chaotic with no answers.  Murder is wrong.  We all agree with that.  We have an objective morality system.

The subjectiveness comes in the definition.  And those with no conscience or remorse (anti-social tendencies) define murder in a demented way, hence...abortion is not murder.

We live in a sick world.  This person is just an example of how sick we have become.  We have taken life and have downgraded it to a group of cells with no purpose.  This is what liberals and atheists have done.  Ohio and Kentucky may have the right heart but as stated before until the culture changes it won't matter how many laws there are banning abortion.  But on the other side laws that Virginia and New York are passing just send us down that pathway of destruction even farther.  Thank you liberals and atheists.

1 comment:

Keith said...

For those who love and are called according to his purpose, the answer is quite clear and can be found in Jeremiah 1:5.