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May 15, 2015

#10 The world belongs to the Maury Povich's.

Society has been ruined by many things.  Those in the media are probably tired of hearing this (except for the CEO's of media outlets who get the big bucks) but they are to blame for a lot of it. They sit back and create controversies when they aren't there, dilemmas when they aren't needed, and arguments that are left better to be unsaid.  It used to be that the media was there to tell the needed truth to keep people informed of injustices, allow people to understand the change of the world.  But it has been abused over time by becoming sources of gossip, trivial insignificance, petty circumstances, and even nauseating voyeurism.

It all started as joke.  People used to watch talk shows of pompous celebrities to the latest scoop on movies or events.  But that wasn't good enough.  We started to tune in to Oprah, Sally, Phil, and Geraldo.  We would tune in to see "Goats, and the women who love them".  We saw chairs being thrown.  Racial barriers were exemplified.  Weird traits, personal fetishes, inhuman subtleties, and circus side freak shows were exploited...and we were hooked.  But, even these have gone the way of the Dodo.  Today it's all about relationships and how they make us angry.  Jerry Springer became the new norm.  And to compete, Maury Povich had to change from a talk show to a scream show.

The problem is society is transforming into these shows.  We think the angrier we are the more people respect us.  We think the more insults we use the more people will laugh with us.  We think the louder we get the more people listen.  Ever noticed one thing?  Listen and silent have the same letters.

We live in a society where we don't want to listen anymore and get angry when people don't listen to us.  This breaks down society and breaks away the idea of a good democracy---controlled freedom. We have freedom of speech but we abuse it and that's not right.  Just because we have this freedom doesn't mean we have to use it all the time.  Take time to hear.  Take time to listen and you may be able to hear the real voices that are screaming out.

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