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This site has been relaunched. It had deviated from its purpose. It will now only focus on concepts, not individual people, although certain concepts will use people only as examples not in judgement. Many of the old posts will be rewritten but in different light. All opinions will be respected. This site is not meant for any debate but leave comments if you desire. If you are looking for a specific topic look to the right, scroll down, and click on label that is closest to your research.

April 6, 2019

#27 The New Abortion laws.

There have been a few laws lately being passed in state legislatures that abortion is now a hot topic once again.  Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, New York just to name a few are either banning more procedures or allowing more procedures.  And the internet is going wild with stupidity.

It all comes down to human life.  We know that.  The question is, "when does life begin?".  One side says it is at conception.  One side says it's not until the baby is outside the mother's womb.  And another side says it is somewhere in between.  The answer is it is at conception.

Why is it not when the baby is finally outside the womb?  In no particular order:

A baby can survive outside the womb at 6 months.  So the last 3 months there is a fully functional life form.  Yes, it will need help to survive, but so does a 3 year old.  Here is an extreme but it is valid.  A baby that is being delivered is a few seconds from being "expelled" from the womb but is still connected by an umbilical cord.  How is one second the difference?  What if the woman accidentally pushed at the last second while the baby is being aborted and the child comes out...is it still abortion or murder?

Why is it not just before 24 weeks?  One argument I have seen in the last few months is ridiculous. One person said it's not a baby until 24 weeks, or 6 months.  He was claiming it was the same as a tumor before this point since it is "living".  Why is that wrong?  Again, in no particular order:

A tumor is an abnormal growth that hurts the body of the host.  The tumor cannot develop into something that can think, feel, and love.  The baby even before this magical 24 week period is destined given no tragedy to develop into a fully grown adult.  The tumor has no destiny.  The tumor left alone will in most cases kill the host and die with the host.  The baby left alone will continue to grow and push its way out and then continue to develop into an adult.  The person claimed tumors are life so it's the same as human life.  He also claimed there is a difference between human life and personhood.  That is a weak excuse.  Tumors are living cells but not human life.  Human life means there is soul.  A soul means feelings, thoughts, emotions and so forth are apparent.  Tumors will never develop into that.  Personhood I understand what they are saying is when rights are given to the human.  But what makes them human then?  This person claimed that human life is no more important than any other life.  That is not accurate.

Plants are monochotomous.  They only adapt and react to the environment.  They share no feelings.  They don't raise children.  They don't fall in love.  Animals are dichotomous.  They have feelings.  They show personality.  But they show no conviction.  They only have fight or flight response.  They make be able to think but they cannot reason the way we reason.  Humans are trichotomous.  We not only adapt.  We not only have personality.  We have more than just other life forms.  We have purpose.  We understand.  This is why we can eat plants with no problem.  This is why we feel we can eat certain animals.  But we do not eat humans.  So for this person to say that human life is no more important than other life must be ok with eating people.

Ok.  So that brings in law.  Roe v Wade made abortion legal.  Yes it is law and we have to respect that.  But keep in mind, the law allowed slavery at one point.  The law said African-Americans (slaves) counted as 3/5 of a person.  Just because it is law does not mean it is correct.  It only means how things are interpreted for the times.  However, it doesn't matter what laws are out there.  Laws will not stop abortion nor curb it.  The culture feels the need for it because of who we are.  Our promiscuity calls for abortion because many want to do the deed but not take responsibility for their actions.  And yes, both women and men need to take that responsibility.

Then the person talked about morality and claimed morality is subjective. 

That is both accurate and inaccurate.  It is accurate because people think they know better than other people so their ideas are superior.  It is in accurate because if we all have different morality systems and cannot agree on anything then the human race will die out.  It will be chaotic with no answers.  Murder is wrong.  We all agree with that.  We have an objective morality system.

The subjectiveness comes in the definition.  And those with no conscience or remorse (anti-social tendencies) define murder in a demented way, hence...abortion is not murder.

We live in a sick world.  This person is just an example of how sick we have become.  We have taken life and have downgraded it to a group of cells with no purpose.  This is what liberals and atheists have done.  Ohio and Kentucky may have the right heart but as stated before until the culture changes it won't matter how many laws there are banning abortion.  But on the other side laws that Virginia and New York are passing just send us down that pathway of destruction even farther.  Thank you liberals and atheists.

January 30, 2019

#26 Millennial Liberals are the most toxic group there is

Millennials.  That group that ranges somewhere between 15 and 35 years of age.  They think they know it all.  They think they have the authority to tell everybody that they know it all.  They feel entitled to it all.  They think they own it all.  They have no common sense.  They think all should be the same.  And if any of that doesn't happen then it's someone else's fault.

And they show no remorse about any of it.

Of course, it is our fault.  We raised them to where no one "loses".  We raised them with seat belts, hard hats, Neosporin (triple action ointment kind), a Kleenex box with aloe, warning labels on water, and full-time school psychologists.  And we somehow did it while we were drunk, high, divorced, promiscuous, and with no morality system to guide us.  Some of that is tongue-in-cheek.  Yes, Neosporin is good.  But the point is we coddled this generation so much;  we taught them to be "self-loving" and "sufficient" so much; we raised them that what ever they do is "ok" so much...that we forgot to actually teach them the lessons of life.

The worst one of them all is the heir-apparent, Princess Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  She is the epitome of this generation.  Not only is she the leader of this smart-mouthed ("who dis"), uneducated ("parts of government"), and inexperienced ("free education") generation, she is also the voice of the new Democrat ("Committee choices"), as if the old ones weren't bad enough.  She just doesn't get that her ideas are the reasons why millions of people have been killed in the past, millions of people are being hurt today, and that millions will suffer in the future.  All we have to do is look to the past, first.  We have forgotten the ideas of Stalin, Mao, Kim, and Castro.  Together they are responsible for 40 million deaths.  We have forgotten what it is like to hear the heart-wrenching stories of survivors from these countries.

Let's look back in short about the ideas of Marx, the father (blah) of communism.  He was raised in a secular family and his acquaintances in life pushed him farther away from any religious conviction.  Some may think that is not a big deal but it is.  It gave him no direction.  He went to a private school. (hmmm....)  He was coddled in his education.  And when he couldn't handle the way things were he got moved to other schools and even got expelled from higher education systems.  The Industrial revolution caused an inequality in human life (he had money) so he he came up with theories.  Life is about human struggle.  This struggle is based upon economic status.  Human existence will go through four stages of economic struggle.  The first one is feudalism.  Communities formed kingdoms but the king took power.  The rich rose up and took power from the kings and set up capitalism.  But he believed this system destroyed us so one day the working class (the proletariat) will rise up and take power away from the capitalists leaders (the bourgeoisie).  This will be a violent over taking and it will usher in socialism.  This system will have to create a forced equality on the people because it will not be easy for people to give up things and it will remain that way until everyone is equal.  Once that happens then the last stage of human existence will begin, communism, a utopia.  No need for government.  No need for laws.  All needs will be met.  A perfect world.

On paper, in theory, it sounds great.  Here is the problem.  It never gets out of the socialism phase.  The violence.  The forced situations upon the people by the government.  The control the government doesn't want to give up.  And we see this happening when we hear "Obamacare".  We are forced to give up our earned money to pay for people who to be quite honest don't deserve it.  We see this happening when we hear "free college".  It isn't free.  Even ding-dong said that, yet she didn't know she said it.  The regulations.  The forced "acceptance" and "tolerance" of things that go against our beliefs.  The higher taxes.  The impersonalization/depersonalization of life.  The lessening of any morality system.  The blaming of those who actually work hard for everyone's troubles.  It can never get to communism because socialism cannot work.

All we have to do is look at the present next.   Venezuela---CNNFOXNY Times, all you have to do is Google "Venezuela" and "chaos" and you get tons of articles all saying the same thing; Venezuela is not working.  And this is what "AOC" is trying to bring to us.  All because she has no idea.

All we have to do is look at the future now.  #millennialliberal, LOL, who dis, Instagram, earbuds...

November 4, 2018

#25 How to vote in the 2018 Mid-term elections.

If this is your first election here are some things to know. Take this advice and take ALL elections seriously.
  • Vote for and out of optimism not out of bitterness and pessimism. Elections are not "payback" time. You may not like the last election or the people who got it but it should not be used as revenge or even as a referendum. It's a system to get the best we can not to hurt someone.
  • Don't vote based on what your parents tell you, or your friends, or your union. This is YOUR voice. Vote based on your conscience. This is your chance to stand up for yourself, not someone else's misguided rhetoric or pressure. Especially don't listen to spoiled celebrities who are the biggest hypocrites there are.
  • Don't vote ANY straight ticket. Some people are NEVER worthy to hold office...on either side of the aisle. Don't vote straight ticket just because you're anti-Trump or anti-"insert group here".  Not all people are like their parties. Some are STILL worthy in both parties.
  • Don't vote based on color, or gender. Just because it's historical doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Some things in history were the wrong thing. It's okay to vote on the actual person and not based on what they look like.
  • Don't vote just because of popularity. Names mean nothing, nor should names mean you should disregard them. You need to know the person. Remember there are more than Democrats and Republicans.
  • Know the facts! Don't listen to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox to get your facts. Don't listen to ANY commercial. Don't listen to any mail pamphlets. Go to government websites and look at the issues. Don't fall for propaganda.  They all have an agenda.
  • Remember you live in a country that ALLOWS you to vote since it is your freedom of speech. Many people never get that chance. Many people died so you can have that chance.
  • Whatever the outcome, be willing to accept it. Whoever wins will be running things. If they succeed WE ALL succeed. Hoping people fail is petty, selfish, and is part of the problem, not the solution. Protesting is a right but sometimes we don't get what we want. Live with it.

July 10, 2018

#24 Ideologies are the real issue

An ideology is a set of beliefs that affects who we are. An ideology forms our feelings and thoughts. It is the way we see the world. To each person this is how we separate truth from fiction. Ideologies can be extreme or very subtle. Ideologies at first are neither positive nor negative but many will consider them to be negative due to many people who go to extremes to get their point across. They can be overpowering or they can even be just casual. But, ideologies, no matter what type, all share certain types of characteristics.  Below is a list of these characteristics:
  1. They all are theories about human interactions. A theory is an idea that explains a situation. It is not always the exact truth but a way of understanding an event or topic. Most theories are filled with facts, perceived facts, or some kind of data that backs up the idea. Not all theories are ideologies but all ideologies are theories. Such as the theory of evolution is not an ideology. But if all you can do is think about the theory of evolution then it becomes your ideology.  Evolution is just a way of explaining our existence, hence a theory.  But if you make everything revolve around evolution, like it explains each and every part of our existence then it has become your ideology.  For the most, ideologies want to explain how humans interact with each other. The individual uses ideologies to also explain why they feel humans should feel, believe, or act a certain way. 
  2. They are built upon a struggle of human existence. Ideologies are formed when an individual, or groups of individuals, see a struggle in society. They try and change the things that may have caused the struggle. Ideologies then tend to help individuals form groups for support. Each struggle has a reason why it happened.
  3. They are systematic, usually organized. Ideologies have programs that people get involved, in other words, they are more than just ideas; they turn into actions. People who believe in certain ideologies tend to stick together and stand up for each other even if there may be some differences, controversies, or humiliation. 
  4. They grow by seeking recruits. Ideologies gather support by individuals spreading a certain idea.
  5. They need rationalization as their basis. This is where perhaps many of the groups get the most negative imagery from the rest of the population. Rationalization uses pieces of truth and creates a larger idea that is not exactly the complete truth, yet the believer in the ideology believes it. Hence, this where point number one above comes back into the conversation. This larger idea becomes the main theory of the ideological group.  All ideologies have some kind of intellect or their own kind of logic to back up what they say. 
  6. The biggest characteristic is that ideologies are personal. Ideologies can become dangerous to an extent. People who take the theories very personal will believe in it enough to die for it and could perhaps even kill for the belief. When this happens people are called extremists. 
There are many types of ideologies in existence, such as social classifications and lifestyles. But the three most common ideologies deal with politics, economics, and religions. 

Politics in modern day terms can be divided into three categories; liberalism, moderate, and conservatism.  Liberalism expresses openness in society, personal interpretation of morality systems, and personal freedom.  Liberalism ideology.  Conservatism expresses order in society, systematic morality systems, and protection of individuals. Conservatism ideology  Moderates swing to one side or the other depending on the topic. 

Economics have two major categories; capitalism and communism. Capitalism expresses personal choice when it comes to money and less government involvement when it comes to supplies and resources. Communism expresses equality created by the government and control of resources by the government so there will be less wasted by the individual. In capitalism the individual gets to own their own property and can create their own business and have opportunities to make the most they can. In communism the government controls the property and makes the opportunity for all to be equal by dividing the wealth of the people. Economic ideologies

Religion has three thoughts; Theism, anti-Theism, and agnosticism. Theism is a belief in some sort of Supreme Being or essence, if you will. Anti-Theism refers to a belief that claims there is no Supreme Being hatred of any Supreme Being. Agnosticism is the idea that there is a possibility of a Supreme Being but the probability is low.  Religious ideologies

If you noticed most ideologies have the suffix “ism”. This does not mean however that all words with “ism” at the end should be looked at as negative. It strictly means that there are individuals who take the belief seriously or very personal. Not all beliefs turn into extremism. The ones that usually become extremism usually combine one or more ideologies. That is why many people try and quote, “Never mix politics and religion”. Again, that is not to say it is wrong to do it or that it is automatically a negative thing but when it turns into extremism people need to keep an eye on it. Religions at this point become cults. Politics become radical. Economics become a basis for discrimination.

All theories can be looked at but you have to be careful about how far you take it.  There should be no political party ideology.  This split between Republicans and Democrats is an idiotic ideology.  Just because the president and congress may be in different parties does not mean they should automatically stand in each other's way.  You may disagree with a person but that does not mean you have to be their enemy.

February 19, 2018

#23 School shootings are only a result

School shootings are not the problem.  They are a result of something bigger.

As with every new school shooting the two sides of the 2nd Amendment argument start to rear their ugly heads.  And it's the same argument each time.  One side says that guns should be regulated and we wouldn't have these issues if guns were off the streets.  The other side says that these things will still happen even if no one had guns and guns are the only things that stop the criminals.  Both sides are correct and both sides are idiotic.

These things will keep going on because we don't understand the problem.  Most are blaming the wrong things.   We fail to recognize that we are only treating the symptoms without addressing the disease.  Most don't even know the difference.  To every disease there are a few things we need to know about it.  There is a direct cause for the disease.  The disease shows symptoms.  Other factors come into play that affect the way the disease spreads. And then we have to deal with the results.  But just like any disease it could have been prevented if we know the cause.  Like most diseases it can be treated.  Like some diseases we can control the factors.  But once it gets this far, like no disease it can be stopped.

Here are the steps of the disease, in reverse order.

  • The results---Death.  We have mass carnage that we have to deal with.  We have families that are torn apart.  We have children who are traumatized for life.  We have schools who feel unsafe and fear grips us.  Others get angry and start to blame the factors or symptoms.  We offer prayers.  We grieve.  And then we move on until it happens again.
  • The factors---Blame.  We tend to blame these and feel as though dealing with these is the answer.  This is not to say that we should not be dealing with these because we should, but this will not solve the whole problem.  We shouldn't just blame these and feel justified.  Mental illness is a factor.  We live in a world that has fallen and mental illness is a result of that.  Bullying is a factor.  We live in a world where the stronger feel that they can control others through intimidation  Worshiping the famous is a factor.  We uplift those who are famous and want to be like them.  When others get attention it causes some to desire that infamy.  People get famous for the news they make.  Some even do it on social media and get paid millions of dollars for posting videos of how stupid they are.  That brings in the fact that social media is a factor.  It just adds into the infamy, bullying and worshiping that has already been mentioned.  And perhaps that biggest factor is how lazy we have become with parenting.  Adults who have children are no longer in the lives of their children.  They don't get  involved.  They don't ask.  They don't share in their feelings.  And they don't know what is going no in their lives.  Children have no guidance.  But all of these are results of the symptoms.
  • The symptoms---Selfishness.  Guns are a symptom.  But it's not what you think.  The argument of "guns don't kill people, people kill people" and "yes, but if the person didn't have a gun then the gun wouldn't be a problem" is always brought up.  Look, both have good valid points.  If there were less guns then there would be less gun violence, period.  And yes, the gun in and of itself sitting there will not kill anyone. All should know about gun safety.  Blah, blah, blah.  Overall the gun is not the issue.  Freedom to own a gun is not the issue.  The issue about guns and what makes it a symptom is the fact that some feel the need to have a gun.  Guns have been around for 600 years.  It's only the last 50 years that the problem has been around and has escalated in the last 20 years.  The feeling we need to have a gun is the issue and a symptom.  The entitlement attitude is a symptom.  Some feel they need to have things and that they deserve things and the should have it now.  This causes self and instant gratification.  We become disrespectful of traditions, order, wisdom, and authority.  The main symptom is our selfishness.  But this selfishness is caused by the disease.
  • The disease---Our culture.  We live in a world that has lost its purpose.  This disease has a cause.
  • The cause---We lack love.  But even more we don't know what love is.  We have masked love as tolerance and acceptance.  We say that we love our partners, spouses, significant others, but too many times it's only lust.  We have so many distorted ideas of love that we feel love is only temporal.  Love is conditional.  We treat love as though it is okay to be apathetic.

The problem is that we think we can change the result if we find a cure.  But our cure to all of this is with anger and loud voices.  We can protest, write letters, run for office or whatever all we want.  We blame the factors by making wild claims and forget the other side.  We treat the symptoms by passing laws.  We get paralyzed by the results and settle for non-action.  We need to address the disease by acknowledging the cause.

The cure is true love.  True love is patient, kind, doesn't envy, doesn't boast, and isn't proud.  It's doesn't disrespect, or is self-seeking.  It is not easily angered.  It forgives.  It doesn't like evil but it rejoices in the truth.  It protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres.  True love lays down its life for its friends.

Until we know this kind of love, the disease spreads.

October 29, 2017

#22 Liberalism has killed the Millennials (and they don't even know it)

Looking at the generation that is ready to start their careers and starting the major turns in life puts fear into the hearts of the generations before.  But let's face it, the generations before the millennials are the ones who raised them to be this way.  Nothing, absolutely nothing has destroyed this generation though more than liberalism.  Liberalism always destroys.  Maybe those who believe in feel they are doing good and creating a brave new world but in the end it brings nothing but destruction.

In liberalism, everyone is rewarded.  There are no losers.   In the late 1990's many wrestling tournaments as an example started to change the way they said things.  Instead of saying the "losers' bracket", they would say the "non-winners", as if that was really different.  But what it did show is that apparently we had to start being more careful about what we say to be people, especially children so we didn't destroy their dreams.  Being alive was the achievement.  In reality that is probably accurate given the way we destroy life anyway.  Everyone gets a trophy.  We all meet in the winner's circle.  Even if you're 4'5" you can be the next Michael Jordan because mommy says you can.
  • The problem with this way of thinking is that we are setting up false hopes.  Everyone thinks they will succeed because they were part of something.  We are setting an example for these millennials to not have goals.  They end up having no desire to do any better because they are "already winners".  Competition is too difficult for them so many just don't try.  They are afraid of actually losing.  And when they do they make so much drama about it as if once loss destroys all they have done.  That means they only try things that they know they will "win" at.  And because of this they always feel like they are right.  Remember they are never a loser, so they are never wrong.  Try and tell a millennial what they have done wrong and they will answer with some smart remark or give up.  They need to understand that life needs work.  They need to know that sometime things don't go right but you have to keep trying.  Sometimes you are wrong.
In liberalism, they teach that everyone should rely on others on ways to make things easier.  Technology is used by liberals and conservatives alike but listen to the example.  Yes, all technology can be used for good, but most of the time it is used to make things easier, a lazy way out of things.  It's ok to rely on others to get what we need.  Technology is no exception.  Everything is now at our fingertips.  All we have to do is ask Google, Siri, or Echo.  Millennials are constantly on their social devices.  That is how they converse, that is how they research, that is how they listen to music and read, that is how they stay connected with everyone around them, including those in the same room.  Everything has already been done for them.
  • The problem with this way of thinking is that one day if all we do is rely on someone else having the answer then no one in the near future will be adding anything new.  We will have run out of those who have already did this and done that.  And because of all of this millennials do not know how to have a real conversation.  Emojis are not real life answers.  They do not know how to read people correctly.  There is no inflection on words.  People do not know how to actually express themselves since they are limited to 140 characters.  Then when they do talk to people they don't know how to control the volume or demeanor of their voices.  Everything sounds like an argument or a misunderstanding.
In liberalism everything is a right.  No matter what we do we have the right to feel a certain way, act a certain way, believe a certain way, or say whatever we want because of the freedom that liberalism stresses.  Yes, freedom of speech is the greatest thing we have but as Peter Parker's Uncle Ben said, "with great power comes great responsibility".  That freedom is often abused.  Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't mean you have to use it all the time.  Some things are not needed, but this generation feels they have the right, as in because they have an opinion, that they should use that right in all conversations.  No, sometimes SHUT-UP!!
  • The problem with this way of thinking that if everything is a right, then there are no such things as consequences and we can all do what we want.  Lifestyles can be whatever you want because there are no absolutes.  That is absolutely wrong.  There are absolutes in this world.  But this generation has erased many of those lines we used to have drawn.  Things like abortions, sexual immorality, drunkenness, and drug usage on one side and then omission of caring, inactivity, and tolerance on the other side all hidden in the argument of "basic human rights".  It's not about abortion, it's about a woman's right to choose--wrong.  It's not about one man and one woman, it's about love--wrong.  It's not about using drugs, it's about feeling good--wrong.  The worse part is when you ask them about tolerance, they are only tolerant if they agree with you.  And if they don't agree with you then go back to the first issue above.
In liberalism everything is free and deserved.  Another distortion of basic human rights.  Free college, free health care, free contraceptives.  Where will it stop?  Free food!  Free housing!  Free clothes!  Free cars!  Free manicures!  Free make up!
  • The problem with this way of thinking is life doesn't mean you deserve everything.  They feel they should get it no matter what.  They don't have the motivation to be any better.  They forget that somehow, someway, someone will still pay for these things.  How do you get food?  Someone grew it.  How do you get education?  Someone is using their talents to teach you.  How do you get contraceptives?  Well, first of all, have sex when you are ready for the consequences.
In liberalism there should be no religion.  If everyone is right then don't tell me about your religion because who's to say what belief is right?
  • The problem with this way of thinking is without religion we have lost the last thing to believe in.  Yes, there are problems with "religions".  That is why people need to find the right thing to believe in, which is a different topic.  But we lost faith in our government.  We lost faith in our parents.  We lost faith in our systems.  The only thing left is our actual faith.  And now we are losing that too.  Without faith in something we lose hope.
This generation has lost all hope.  They have become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, and unholy.  It's no wonder why they feel like there is nothing to live for.  And this is what liberalism has caused.

August 17, 2017

#21 All forms of hatred need to addressed.

In light of the recent activity, Charlottesville 2017, the main sentence is that hatred never solved any issue in this world.  Donald Trump is not the greatest person on the earth and not the greatest of leaders.  He has already said some stupid things that conservatives do not agree with and certainly not with anyone from the other groups.  He does not stand for true conservative values.  The only reason why the GOP stands up for him, when they do, is because they want to try and keep the peace as much as possible.  Prediction is that soon they will abandon him.  With that said, there is some truth in what President Trump said about the riots; both sides are to blame...but for different reasons.

Why is the "alt-right" to blame?  First and foremost, they are not the alternative right.  They are in no way , shape, or form an alternative to conservative values.  It doesn't matter what they call themselves.  They are a hate group and it is embarrassing, and inaccurate, to be labeled on the same "side" as they are.  They spew hatred.  We do not.  They promote violence.  We do not.  They do not accept every race.  We do.  They have salutes and disrespect people who fought in wars.  We do not. The list can go on and on.  So, why are they to blame?  Simply put, they're idiots.  Idiocy is always a reason bad things happen.  They are promoting ideas that have been defeated by the USA twice (1865 and 1945).  Every thing they stand for slaps our military in the face.  Thousands died against this type of belief.  They have the legal right to protest per 1st Amendment, but do they have the moral right to do so?  No.  If they would just assemble, give their speech in a normal voice and then move on then fine.  But they do not.  They protest, not because it is their right, not because they are right, not because they actually want laws passed.  They protest for one reason only; to spark an event to get them noticed.  They are idiots.  But our laws allow them to be idiots.  They are to blame due to their hatred but even more so because of their actions.

So if they are wrong then why is the left to blame as well?  The answer is as simple as the first.  They are idiots too.  Are they wrong for hating the hatred that Nazis spew?  No.  They are correct.  All hatred should be hated.  Are they wrong for protesting?  No.  Are they wrong for protesting protesters on opposing sides?  No.  But they are wrong in how they approach the other side.  Even though the words they speak sound logical and are on the side of acceptance, they are not.  They use the same rhetoric and mannerisms that the Nazis do.  Hence, there is not much difference between Stalin and Hitler.  If they just showed up with their signs and in larger number and kept peacefully to themselves, their message would have been heard more and received by more.  But they think they have to yell louder than the other side.  And that doesn't work.  They claim to be the people of tolerance but they only tolerate those who agree with their views.  Many of them showed up with weapons and got violent.  Not only did they get violent, some of them started the whole violent scene. They did not come there to protest idiocy.  They did not come there to protest a protest.  They came there to be just as loud and hateful as the other side.  And for that reason alone, they were wrong.

Donald Trump is partly to blame.  His rhetoric and "no backing down" attitude is ridiculous.  But to say he caused the situation or because of him people feel they can be racist or sexist gives him too much credit.  These people were idiots before Donald Trump came along.

Barack Obama is partly to blame.  His victimizing the minority and "backing down" attitude was lame.  He took sides when it came to race relations and those who voted for Trump saw that and pushed many over to Trump's camp.

And above all, the media is to blame.  Trying to find a news source that only reported the story instead of casting blame to one side or the other, or trying to find a news source that did not only do a story about how Trump or Obama responded, or trying to find a news source that didn't only do a story about Nazis or Antifa is almost impossible, otherwise it would have been posted here.

When one side wants to protest, let them.  Let them get all of their angry words out there.  Let them fly their flags and march.  Let them have their moment.  Eventually they will lose their voice. Eventually people will fly higher flags.  Eventually larger numbers of people will march for better reasons.  Eventually their moment passes.  They are allowed to have their opinion.  They are allowed to assemble and stress their opinion.  Once they do they will realize they are the minority.  If we do not give them their moment to shine they will fade away.  But instead we all come to these rallies with guns blazing, locked and loaded.

Hate may come in different forms, but it is all the same.

No matter who is to blame, that young lady's life should never have been cut short.  That cowardly murderer should have now just forfeited his rights as a citizen.  Condolences and sympathies go out to the young woman's family who lost her during this event. Her life should never been in jeopardy.